LD 1924
pg. 2
Page 1 of 9 An Act To Reduce the Cost of Local Government through Increased State Education... Page 3 of 9
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LR 2783
Item 1

3.__Repeal.__This section is repealed July 1, 2005.

Sec. 6. 20-A MRSA §15613, sub-§13, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 848, §10,
is amended to read:

13. Minimum state allocation. Effective 1988-89, each school
administrative unit shall be is guaranteed a minimum state share
of its total allocation that is determined by multiplying 5% of
the foundation per pupil operating rate by the average number of
resident kindergarten to grade 12 pupils, including special
education tuition pupils, in the unit on April 1st and October
1st of the calendar year immediately prior to the year of
allocation. These funds shall must be included as part of the
school unit's total allocation as computed under this chapter and
not as an adjustment to the unit's total allocation. This
subsection is repealed July 1, 2005.

Sec. 7. 20-A MRSA §15671, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 660, §1,
is amended to read:

1. State and local partnership. The State and each local
school administrative unit are jointly responsible for
contributing to the cost of the components of essential programs
and services described in this chapter. The state contribution
to the cost of the components of essential programs and services,
exclusive of federal funds that are provided and accounted for in
the cost of the components of essential programs and services,
must be made in accordance with this subsection:

A. The level of the state share of funding attributable to
the cost of the components of essential programs and
services must be at least 50% of eligible state and local
General Fund education costs statewide, no later than fiscal
year 2007-08; and

B. By fiscal year 2009-10 the state share of the total cost
of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12,
as described by essential programs and services, must be
55%.__Beginning in fiscal year 2003-04 2005-06 and in each
fiscal year until fiscal year 2007-08 2009-10, the level of
the state share of funding attributable to the cost of the
components of essential programs and services described
costs must increase toward the 50% 55% level of eligible
state and local General Fund education costs required in
fiscal year 2009-10.

Beginning in fiscal year 2003-04 2005-06 and in each fiscal year
thereafter, the commissioner shall use the funding level
determined in accordance with this section as the basis for a

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