LD 1930
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act To Promote Intergovernmental Cooperation, Cost Savings and Efficiencies ... Page 3 of 3
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LR 2846
Item 1

constitutional requirements regarding the election of county
sheriffs and judges and registers of probate. It also would
not exempt counties from state mandates; and

B. Removing the requirement that county residents vote to
initiate a charter commission and allowing a charter
commission to be initiated either by the county
commissioners or a citizens' petition. Citizens would still
be required to vote on the final adoption of the charter.

4. It would increase the real estate transfer tax from $2.20
per $1,000 of property value per party to $3.00 per $1,000 of
property value per party. All additional funds raised through
the real estate transfer tax as a result of this increase would
be deposited into a dedicated fund to provide grants to promote
regional efforts. This fund would be administered by the
Intergovernmental Advisory Group, as established in this bill.
Groups of municipalities, councils of government and regional
planning commissions may apply for grants. A county may also
apply for a grant if it adopts a charter and if it submits a plan
for regional cooperation.

5. It would create tax districts for multiple towns to join
together for the purpose of assessing and collecting taxes as a
single entity. A county may also serve as a tax district for
this purpose. Residents of the towns or the county must vote to
decide on whether to create a taxing district. The
Intergovernmental Advisory Group may provide grants to assist in
the development of a proposed taxing district.

6. It would transfer a portion of the Highway Fund that funds
State Police patrol to towns that do not have local police.
Those towns would then contract with the county for sheriff
patrol services. The portion of the Highway Fund to be
transferred for this purpose would be based on the following
funding formula for each county sheriff's patrol budget: Fifty
percent of the budget must be collected from the residents that
receive the benefit and 50% must be collected through the Highway

7. It would encourage counties to work together on regional
projects, such as communications centers and regional jails, by
amending or clarifying statute to give all political subdivisions
of the State broad authority to work together.

8. It would tie the award of transportation funds to
municipalities to the development of coherent regional land use

9. It would remove statutory references to:

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