LD 1938
pg. 12
Page 11 of 12 An Act Prohibiting Certain Bear Hunting Practices LD 1938 Title Page
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LR 2838
Item 1

Sec. B-15. Contingent effective date. This Part takes effect only if the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 12, Part 13, as enacted by Public
Law 2003, chapter 414, Part A, section 2, takes effect.


This initiated bill prohibits the use of bait to hunt or
attract bear, the use of a dog to hunt or pursue bear and the use
or setting of a trap to hunt or capture bear except under certain
circumstances. The use of bait, a dog or a trap is permitted for
certain scientific purposes or if undertaken by state or federal
employees to kill or capture a specific animal that threatens
livestock, domestic animals, threatened or endangered wildlife,
property or public safety. Baiting is also permitted if used in
conjunction with the operation of a feeding station for bear by
owners or operators of commercial timberland or their employees
in order to prevent damage to commercial timberland.

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