LD 1945
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Encourage the Future of Maine's Dairy Industry LD 1945 Title Page
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LR 2824
Item 1

production of 5 million pounds.__For purposes of this section,
"annual production" has the meaning as in section 3153-B,
subsection 3.__For that volume of production that exceeds the
federal cap, a producer will receive an amount per hundredweight
equal to the federal Milk Income Loss Contract payment for the
applicable month.

2.__Repeal.__This section is repealed June 30, 2007.__The
joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction
over agricultural matters shall review this section and make
recommendations regarding this section to the Legislature no
later than March 1, 2007.

Sec. 2. Target prices. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 7, section 3153-B, subsection 1, for the year beginning
July 1, 2004 and until the Maine Milk Commission updates the
Maine producer cost-of-production data and calculates new target
prices, the target prices are as follows:

1. For the first 16,790 hundredweight produced per year by
each producer, the target price is $16.18 per hundredweight;

2. For production between 16,791 hundredweight and 26,050
hundredweight per year, the target price is $15.59 per
hundredweight; and

3. For production in excess of 26,050 hundredweight per year,
the target price is $13.12 per hundredweight.

Sec. 3. Ad hoc committee. The Department of Agriculture, Food and
Rural Resources shall implement the recommendations of the
Governor's Task Force on the Sustainability of the Dairy Industry
in Maine. The Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and Rural
Resources shall assemble an ad hoc committee of industry
representatives to make specific task assignments, establish
benchmarks and issue a progress report to the Governor each year
no later than October 15th beginning in 2004, with a final report
and analysis due in 2007. The Governor shall consider the
findings of the report in making funding recommendations to
support the dairy industry.


This bill creates 2 programs of assistance to support the
prices paid to dairy farmers for their milk. The 2 programs are
based on the recommendations of the Governor's Task Force on the
Sustainability of the Dairy Industry in Maine.

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