LD 1948
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act Relating to Energy-related Building Standards LD 1948 Title Page
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LR 2854
Item 1

subsections 1, 1-A and 2 take effect 90 days after the adjournment
of the First Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature.


This bill, which is reported by a majority of the Joint
Standing Committee on Utilities and Energy pursuant to its
authority under Public Law 2003, chapter 497, does the following:

1. It repeals the current single-family residential building
insulation standards effective 90 days after the adjournment of
the First Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature;

2. It amends the commercial, institutional and multifamily
building energy standards to provide that compliance with the
2003 International Energy Conservation Code satisfies those
energy standards;

3. It directs the Public Utilities Commission to adopt
through major substantive rules a model building energy code that
is consistent with other state codes, including the commercial,
institutional and multifamily state building standards, and any
model building codes adopted by the State;

4. It provides that after the model building energy code
takes effect, municipalities would be required on a going-forward
basis to choose the model code if they choose to adopt an energy
code; municipalities would not be required to adopt an energy
code or to replace any existing code;

5. It directs the Public Utilities Commission to examine
enforcement issues related to building energy codes; and

6. It authorizes the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over utilities and energy matters
to report out legislation to the First Regular Session of the
122nd Legislature concerning building energy codes, including but
not limited to legislation concerning the application of the
model building energy code and the enforcement of state building
energy standards.

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