LD 1950
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Repeal Certain Boards and Commissions LD 1950 Title Page
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LR 2817
Item 1

assessor serves as the chair. The committee shall meet at the call
of the chair or at the request of a majority of the members and
must meet at least 3 times each year. The committee may consider
matters relating to recommendations of the commission and the
activities of the members in representing the State.


This bill repeals boards and commissions that failed to file
an annual report of activities with the Secretary of State for
2002 and 2003. Additionally, this bill repeals boards and
commissions that filed annual reports with the Secretary of State
indicating inactivity in the preceding 24 months. The boards and
commissions designated to be repealed include the following:

1. Maine Governmental Information Network Board;

2. Maine Committee for Global and Geographic Education;

3. Commission on Investment Capital;

4. Certificate of Need Advisory Committee; and

5. New England Interstate Planning Commission.

It also designates that certain boards and commissions are not
required to file an annual report if those boards or commissions
are inactive, and directs the Secretary of State to exempt them
from inclusion in the legislation repealing boards and


(See attached)

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