LD 1957
pg. 6
Page 5 of 13 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Committee To Study Compliance wi... Page 7 of 13
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LR 2823
Item 1

(5)__Title 26;

(6)__Title 27;

(7)__Title 28-A; and

(8)__Title 29-A.

E.__In 2014 and every 10 years thereafter, the committee
shall review exceptions codified in:

(1)__Title 30;

(2)__Title 30-A;

(3)__Title 31;

(4)__Title 32;

(5)__Title 33;

(6)__Title 34-A;

(7)__Title 34-B;

(8)__Title 35-A;

(9)__Title 36;

(10)__Title 37;

(11)__Title 37-A;

(12)__Title 38; and

(13)__Title 39-A.

§434.__Review of proposed exceptions to public records

1.__Procedures before legislative committees.__Whenever a
legislative measure containing a new public records exception is
proposed, the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over the proposal shall hold a public hearing and
determine the level of support for the proposal among the members
of the committee.__If there is support for the proposal among a
majority of the members of the committee, the committee shall
request the review committee to review and evaluate the proposal
pursuant to subsection 2 and to report back to the committee of
jurisdiction.__A proposed exception may not be enacted into law

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