LD 1958
pg. 3
Page 2 of 11 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Joint Standing Committee on Busi... Page 4 of 11
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LR 2835
Item 1

3.__Duties.__The subcommittee shall perform an initial review
of all applications for licensure as a dental hygienist pursuant
to section 1097, all submissions relating to continuing education
of dental hygienists pursuant to section 1098-B and all
submissions relating to public health supervision status of
dental hygienists as defined by board rule.__Upon completion of
its review of an application or submission, the secretary of the
subcommittee shall report to the board the subcommittee's
recommended disposition of the application or submission,
including issuance, renewal, denial or nonrenewal of a dental
hygienist license.__Notwithstanding the provisions of section
1098, the board shall adopt the subcommittee's recommended
disposition of a complaint unless no fewer than 2/3 of the board
members who are present and voting vote to reject that
recommended disposition.

4.__Compensation.__The members of the subcommittee are
entitled to compensation according to the provisions of Title 5,
chapter 379.__Expenses of the subcommittee members must be
certified by the secretary of the board.

Sec. 4. 32 MRSA §1084, as amended by PL 2003, c. 285, §1, is
further amended to read:

§1084. Licenses; fees

The board shall issue under its seal to any person who
successfully meets all licensure requirements a license to
practice dentistry in this State, signed by the members of the
board. A dentist shall publicly exhibit the dentist's license.
The license is prima facie evidence of authority to practice
dentistry in this State, except that it is unlawful for a person
to practice dentistry in this State after the expiration date
that appears on the license unless the practitioner pays to the
board on or before January 1st of even-numbered years a fee of
not more than $400 $550 to be determined by the board, and meets
other conditions that the board may require. Upon receipt of the
required fee, the board shall issue a renewal of the
practitioner's license, which the practitioner shall place beside
or attach to the practitioner's initial license. Practitioners
who have not paid as provided and who otherwise qualify for
renewal may be reinstated upon payment of a fee to be determined
by the board of not more than $200 if paid before February 1st. A
license to practice is automatically suspended on February 1st
for nonpayment of the license renewal fee and may be reinstated,
if approved by the board, on payment of a fee to be determined by
the board of not more than $400 $550. A new applicant having
paid the application fee shall pay either the biennial licensure
fee, if the applicant applies on in an even-numbered year, or

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