LD 1958
pg. 7
Page 6 of 11 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Joint Standing Committee on Busi... Page 8 of 11
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LR 2835
Item 1

D.__Have completed with a passing grade the jurisprudence
examination given by the board; and

E.__For any applicant who has completed the Northeast
Regional Board Dental Hygiene Examination or the successor
to that examination more than one year prior to application
for licensure in the State, have successfully completed a
personal interview before the board; and

2.__Licensure by endorsement.__For licensure by endorsement,
the applicant must:

A.__Have graduated from an accredited dental hygiene

B.__If the candidate graduated subsequent to 1964, have
completed with a passing grade the National Board Dental
Hygiene Examination, or the successor to that examination,
if such examination was required;

C.__Have furnished proof, satisfactory to the board, that
the candidate has been duly licensed to practice dental
hygiene in another state after full compliance with its

D.__If the candidate graduated subsequent to 1970, have
completed with a passing grade the Northeast Regional Board
Dental Hygiene Examination, or the successor to that
examination, if such examination was required, except that
the board may at its discretion waive the Northeast Regional
Board Dental Hygiene Examination, or the successor to that
examination, if all other requirements of this subsection
have been met;

E.__Have engaged in active clinical practice for a minimum
of 5 years prior to application;

F.__Have completed with a passing grade the jurisprudence
examination given by the board; and

G.__Have successfully completed a personal interview before
the board.

The board may at its discretion waive the Northeast Regional
Board Dental Examination, or the successor to that examination,
if all other requirements have been met.

Sec. 11. 32 MRSA §1099, as amended by PL 2003, c. 557, §2, is
further amended to read:

§1099. Endorsement

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