LD 1960
pg. 3
Page 2 of 8 An Act Regarding the Continued Provision of Free and Appropriate Public Educati... Page 4 of 8
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LR 2872
Item 1

(13) Confidentiality of information;

(14) Data collection, reporting and utilization;

(15) Surrogate parents;

(16) Standardized procedures and rates of payment for
early intervention and free appropriate public
education services; and

(17) Frequency and intensity of developmental therapy
and special instruction services;

Sec. 6. Deappropriation from General Purpose Aid for Local Schools account to
provide state funds for 5-year-old children who continue to receive free, appropriate public
education services through Child Development Services System. Notwithstanding
any provision of the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, chapter
606 or 606-A, the Commissioner of Education shall determine the
adjustment necessary to the statewide adjustment factor under
section 15654, subsection 1, paragraph B in order to adjust for
the amount of state funds that are deappropriated from the
General Purpose Aid for Local Schools account in fiscal year
2004-05 to reflect the savings attributable to the delayed entry
of the eligible 5-year-olds into kindergarten for the 2004-2005
school year.

Sec. 7. Department of Education emergency rules; state and federal funding to provide
free, appropriate public education services for eligible children of kindergarten age. The
Department of Education shall engage in emergency rulemaking
under the Maine Administrative Procedure Act in order to
implement the continued provision of free, appropriate public
education services authorized in this Act on or before August 6,
2004. Emergency rules must also include provisions regarding the
continued payment and apportionment of state funds provided for
free, appropriate public education services for eligible
children, including the state and federal MaineCare payment for
providing free, appropriate public education services to any
child who is already receiving these services through the Child
Development Services System or its successor system, and whose
parent chooses not to enroll the child in kindergarten until the
start of the 2005-2006 school year. For the purposes of this
section, "free, appropriate public education services" means
those services as described under the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 20-A, section 7725, subsection 5, and it is the intent of
the Legislature that such services must continue to be provided
to eligible children at no cost to the family. The Department of
Education shall take steps to request and obtain any federal
approval necessary to amend the State's plan for meeting

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