LD 1620
pg. 2
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LR 2141
Item 1

*Sec. 1. Territorial limits; corporate name and purpose. The inhabitants of
and the territory within that part of the Town of New Portland in
the County of Somerset, more commonly known as North New Portland
village, as is hereafter described: Beginning at the New
Portland-Embden town line on the Hancock Pond Road, so called,
and extending westerly along the road to the center of North New
Portland village at the post office a distance of approximately
1.4 miles including 4 rights-of-way southerly from said road;
first to a spring 500 feet more or less from the highway at the
Jackson Farm, and second a right-of-way to the reservoir 1,000
feet southwesterly from the highway on the west side of Fletcher
Hill, plus a right-of-way to a spring above the reservoir
approximately 1,000 feet southeasterly of said reservoir, plus a
4th right-of-way northwesterly approximately 1,000 feet from the
reservoir to the highway. Also, including a right-of-way
northeasterly from said highway approximately 500 feet to the
pumping station and lower springs, all such rights-of-way being
occupied by pipe lines and other property of North Village Water
Company. Also beginning at the post office at the center of said
North New Portland village along the following roads and streets:

1. Southerly on the North Anson Road approximately 4,000 feet
to a point opposite home of Charles Collins, Jr.

2. Northerly approximately 4,000 feet to the top of Fred
Berry Hill, so called, for the location of a future stand pipe or

3. Westerly approximately 1,500 feet to a junction at Hall
Corner, so called, crossing Gilman Stream by an underwater pipe
westerly of the highway bridge.

4. Thence westerly 500 feet, more or less, to a point
opposite Hilda Trudel's residence.

5. Thence southerly from Hall Corner a distance of 2,000
feet, more or less, to a point opposite the residence of Roland

6. Also including all land 500 feet on either side of the
above described roads and all streets in North New Portland

shall be and hereby are constituted and surrounding areas
described as follows:__Beginning at a point where the New
Portland-Embden town line intersects with the Lexington town
line; thence south along the New Portland-Embden town line to the
intersection of 44 54' 30" north latitude; thence west along 44
54' 30" north latitude to the intersection of 70 04' 37" west

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