LD 1093
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LR 445
Item 1

Sec. 21. 26 MRSA §2172, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 408, §3, is
amended to read:

4. Apprenticeable occupations. With respect to each
placement under the Maine Job Training Workforce Investment
System, the Department of Labor shall:

A. Determine whether the occupation is apprenticeable in
accordance with a list of apprenticeable occupations
provided by the State Apprenticeship and Training Council;

B. If the occupation is determined to be apprenticeable,
contact the State Apprenticeship and Training Council for
assistance in establishing an apprenticeship position that
would follow Maine Job Training Workforce Investment System

C. Ensure that the State Apprenticeship and Training
Council provides a semiannual and annual list to the
Commissioner of Labor on both the number of Maine Job
Training Workforce Investment System referrals received and
the number of apprenticeship positions that were established
from the Maine Job Training Workforce Investment System
referrals; and

D. If an apprenticeship program is developed under this
subsection, provide the trainee information on various
education and training opportunities that may be of
assistance for indenturing in the apprenticeship program.

Sec. 22. 26 MRSA §2172-A, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1993, c. 630, Pt.
A, §1, is amended to read:

1. Notification to training applicants. The Department of
Labor shall explain to each person seeking to enroll in a Maine
Job Training Workforce Investment System program the general
nature of registered apprenticeship programs, that a registered
apprenticeship program is one of the job training options
available under the Maine Job Training Workforce Investment
System and ascertain that person's interest in such a program.

Sec. 23. 26 MRSA §2172-A, sub-§2, ¶¶B and C, as enacted by PL 1993, c.
630, Pt. A, §1, are amended to read:

B. If the occupation appears on the list of apprenticeable
occupations, contact the State Apprenticeship and Training
Council for assistance in establishing a registered
apprenticeship program as part of or following Maine Job
Training Workforce Investment System training;

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