LD 1319
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LR 2000
Item 1

standards with regard to motor vehicle type, size and equipment and
direct that all motor vehicles be purchased in accordance with a
commodity calendar established by the Director of the Bureau of
General Services.

Sec. A-14. Significant action recommended by State Budget Officer. The
Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of
the Budget shall inform the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial
affairs, through the Office of Fiscal and Program Review, of
significant action recommended by the bureau in the performance
of assigned budget responsibilities.

Sec. A-15. State Cost Allocation Program. The State Cost Allocation
Program shall annually identify the kind and cost of central
services furnished to each state agency from General Fund
appropriations. The non-General Fund portion of each agency must
be assessed for these services as determined by the State Cost
Allocation Program procedures to the extent that payments are not
expressly prohibited by state or federal law or by the terms of a
gift or donation made to the State from private sources. These
payments must be credited to the General Fund as undedicated
revenue. The State Cost Allocation Program may provide for the
separate assessment of certain statewide single audit costs to
federally funded programs. The Commissioner of Administrative
and Financial Services, or the commissioner's designee, may
adjust this assessment to any individual account.

Non-General Fund resources that contribute to funding costs
related to general departmentwide functions, such as accounting,
personnel administration, maintenance of property records and
general purchasing, that have been made available to an account
by legislative action may be consolidated into one or more
administrative accounts, unless such a consolidation is expressly
prohibited by state or federal law. All resources and costs
affected by such consolidation must be properly identified and
included in the budget process in accordance with the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 5, chapter 149. When the Legislature is
not in session and upon recommendation of the State Budget
Officer, the Governor may approve necessary adjustments to these
consolidations for a period not to exceed the end of the current
fiscal year. The Director of the Office of Fiscal and Program
Review must be notified of any such action. The unencumbered
balance of each administrative account established pursuant to
this section must be carried forward at the end of each fiscal
year, and the budgeted transfers to the administrative account
for the ensuing fiscal year must be proportionally reduced by the
amount of that carried balance.

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