LD 1539
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LR 1942
Item 1

indemnification or an advance for expenses created by or pursuant
to this subchapter.

4. Witness expenses. This subchapter does not limit a
corporation's power to pay or reimburse expenses incurred by a
director or an officer in connection with the director's or
officer's appearance as a witness in a proceeding at a time when
the director or officer is not a party to the proceeding.

5. Insurance. This subchapter does not limit a corporation's
power to indemnify, advance expenses to or provide or maintain
insurance on behalf of an employee or agent.

Sec. B-69. 13-C MRSA §872, sub-§2, ¶¶A and B, as enacted by PL 2001, c.
640, Pt. A, §2 and affected by Pt. B, §7, are amended to read:

A. The directors' Directors' action respecting the
transaction was at any time taken in compliance with section

B. The shareholders' Shareholders' action respecting the
transaction was at any time taken in compliance with section
874; or

Sec. B-70. 13-C MRSA §873, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 640, Pt.
A, §2 and affected by Pt. B, §7, is amended to read:

1. Action respecting transaction. A directors' Directors'
action respecting a transaction is effective for purposes of
section 872, subsection 2, paragraph A if the transaction
received the affirmative vote of a majority, but no fewer than 2,
of those qualified directors on the corporation's board of
directors or on a duly empowered committee of the board of
directors who voted on the transaction after either required
disclosure to them, to the extent the information was not known
by them, or compliance with subsection 2, except that action by a
committee is effective under this section only if:

A. All of the committee's members are qualified directors;

B. The committee's members are either all the qualified
directors on the board or are appointed by the affirmative
vote of a majority of the qualified directors on the board.

Sec. B-71. 13-C MRSA §873, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 640, Pt.
A, §2 and affected by Pt. B, §7, is amended to read:

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