LD 1593
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LR 1972
Item 1

Sec. 18. 34-B MRSA §5475, sub-§2, ¶C, as amended by PL 1983, c. 580, §22,
is further amended to read:

C. Unless waived by a client and his the client's counsel,
cause the client who is the subject of the proceeding to be
examined by a professional.

(1) The client or his the client's counsel may choose the
professional, if the professional he the client chooses
is reasonably available.

(2) The professional may not be the same one who performed
any part of the evaluation required under section 5468
or who participated in the development of the
prescriptive program personal plan or service plan.

(3) Upon completion of the examination, the professional
shall report to the court his the professional's
opinion whether the client is mentally retarded and
therefore requires treatment, stating his the
professional's reasons for his the professional's

Sec. 19. 34-B MRSA §5476, first ¶, as repealed and replaced by PL 1983,
c. 580, §23, is amended to read:

Any client recommended for admission to a mental retardation
facility pursuant to section 5470 may be admitted by judicial
commitment according to the following procedures.

Sec. 20. 34-B MRSA §5478, sub-§3, ¶A, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 580,
§26, is amended to read:

A. A prescriptive program personal plan or service plan, as
provided in section 5470, has been agreed to by the
superintendent chief administrative officer of the facility
and the guardian;

Sec. 21. 34-B MRSA §5479, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 459, §7, is
amended to read:

§5479. Post-admission responsibilities of the department

1. Provision of care and treatment. Post-admission care and
treatment in a facility is governed as follows.

A. An initial service agreement for services to be received in
the facility shall must be executed within 5 days of admission
and shall must include a date, within 30 days of

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