LD 1571
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LR 1977
Item 1

§5163. Maine taxable income of resident estate or trust

The Maine taxable income of a resident estate or trust means
is equal to its federal taxable income modified by the addition
or subtraction, as the case may be, of its share of the fiduciary
adjustment determined under section 5164.

Sec. 37. 36 MRSA §5175, as enacted by P&SL 1969, c. 154, §F1, is
amended to read:

§5175. Maine taxable income of a nonresident estate or trust

1. General rules. For purposes of this chapter:

A. Items of income, gain, loss and deduction mean those
derived from or connected with sources in this State.;

B. Items of income, gain, loss and deduction entering into
the definition of federal distributable net income includes
include such items from another estate or trust of which the
first estate or trust is a beneficiary.; and

C. The source of items of income, gain, loss or deduction
shall must be determined under regulations prescribed by the
assessor in accordance with the general rules in section
5142 as if the estate or trust were a nonresident

2. Determination of Maine taxable income. The Maine taxable
income of a nonresident estate or trust consists of: is equal to
its share of items of income, gain, loss and deduction that enter
into the federal definition of distributable net income increased
or reduced by the amount of any items of income, gain, loss or
deduction that are recognized for federal income tax purposes but
excluded from the federal definition of distributable net income
of the estate or trust less the amount of the deduction for its
federal exemption.

A. Its share of items of income, gain, loss and deduction
which enter into the federal definition of distributable net

B. Increased or reduced by the amount of any items of
income, gain, loss or deduction which are recognized for
federal income tax purposes but excluded from the federal
definition of distributable net income of the estate or

C. Less the amount of the deduction for its federal

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