LD 1607
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LR 505
Item 1

Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services evaluating
the current criteria and procedures for assessing cognitive
abilities and needs of persons potentially requiring long-term
health care services for the purposes of determining eligibility
for and coverage of such services. As part of its report, the
working group shall include its recommendations regarding revision
of the mechanism for reassessing persons receiving long-term care
services to address cognitive deficits and include its
recommendations regarding the mechanism employed to determine
initial eligibility for such services. The Department of Human
Services shall provide staff and other resources to support the
completion of the study within existing resources. The working
group shall submit its report and recommendations by January 15,
2004. The Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services
may report out legislation during the Second Regular Session of the
121st Legislature to implement the recommendations of the working
group for revisions in the assessment and reassessment mechanisms
for persons with cognitive needs.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.

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