LD 1567
pg. 22
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LR 526
Item 1

6. Concealment. No A director, corporator, officer, agent or
employee of a financial institution shall may not conceal or
endeavor to conceal any a transaction of the financial
institution from any a director, corporator, officer, agent or
employee of the institution nor any or an official or employee of
the Bureau of Financial Institutions to whom it should be
properly disclosed.

7. Deception; false statements. No A director, corporator,
officer, agent or employee of a financial institution shall may
not maintain or authorize the maintenance of any an account of
the financial institution in a manner which that, to his that
person's knowledge, does not conform to the requirements
prescribed by statutes applicable to the supervision of financial
institutions or regulations rules issued thereunder under those
statutes; nor shall such and that person may not, with intent to
deceive, make any a false or misleading statement or entry or
omit any a statement or entry that should be made in any a book,
account, report or statement of the institution; or obstruct or
endeavor to obstruct a lawful examination or investigation of the
institution or any of its affairs by an official or employee of
the Bureau of Financial Institutions.

8. Violation of Title or rules. If, in the opinion of the
superintendent, any a financial institution or its officers or
directors have persistently violated any a provision of this
Title, he the superintendent shall forthwith immediately report
the same with such remarks as he deems the superintendent
determines expedient to the Attorney General, who may forthwith
immediately institute a prosecution therefor on behalf of the
State. This section shall apply to section 363.

9. False returns. No A director, corporator, officer, agent
or employee of any a financial institution shall willfully may
not intentionally or knowingly make a false return to the
superintendent in response to any a call for information issued
by the superintendent or by a deputy superintendent, nor or upon
the making or filing of any a regular or special report required
by this Title.

10. Failure to make returns. Any A financial institution
which shall fail that fails to furnish reports and information to
the superintendent, as required by this Title within the time
specified, shall be is subject to a penalty of not more than $100
per day for each day it is in violation of this section, which
penalty may be recovered in a civil action in the name of the

11. General penalties. The follow penalties apply.

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