LD 703
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LR 506
Item 1

application for a Class I, Class II or, Class III or noncommercial
lobster and crab fishing license the lobster management zone in
which that person proposes to fish a majority of that person's
lobster traps. A license must identify the zone in which the
person is authorized to fish a majority of that person's lobster

Sec. 3. 12 MRSA §6446, sub-§2-B is enacted to read:

2-B.__Rules pursuant to section 6447, subsection 5-B.__The
commissioner may adopt rules for a zone established under
subsection 1 that are proposed pursuant to section 6447,
subsection 5-B only when the rules were proposed by the lobster
management policy council established for that zone pursuant to
section 6447, subsection 1 and the proposed rules were approved
in a referendum pursuant to section 6447, subsection 6.__The
commissioner may accept the rules proposed by a lobster
management policy council as reasonable and adopt those rules or
reject the council's proposed rules as unreasonable.__The rules
adopted under this subsection by the commissioner must accurately
reflect the intent of the rules proposed by a lobster management
policy council but are not required to be a verbatim rendition of
the proposed rules.

This subsection is repealed June 1, 2006.

Sec. 4. 12 MRSA §6447, sub-§5-B is enacted to read:

5-B.__Zone E council authority.__Notwithstanding any other
provision in this subchapter, upon approval in a referendum under
subsection 6, a lobster management policy council for Zone E as
defined in rules adopted by the department may propose to the
commissioner rules for Zone E that do any or all of the

A.__Increase the length of time an apprentice must be
enrolled in the apprentice program up to a maximum of 5
years.__A proposal to increase the length of enrollment does
not apply to apprentices enrolled in the program at the time
that proposal takes effect;

B.__Require a sponsor of an apprentice to have held a Class
I, Class II or Class III lobster and crab fishing license
for at least 5 years; or

C.__Require that an apprentice may enter Zone E only if the
apprentice apprenticed in Zone E.

This subsection is repealed June 1, 2006.

Sec. 5. Effective date. Those sections of this Act that

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