| 2.__Reconciliation return required.__On or before October 15, |
2003 and on or before the 15th day of the 4th month following the |
end of each facility fiscal year ending after October 15, 2003, |
each person subject in that state fiscal year or facility fiscal |
year to the tax imposed by this chapter shall submit a |
reconciliation return on a form prescribed and furnished by the |
assessor.__The reconciliation return must account for any |
adjustments necessary to reconcile the annual tax for a prior |
state fiscal year or facility fiscal year estimated pursuant to |
subsection 1 with the person's correct tax liability, and the |
person shall submit with the reconciliation return payment of any |
amount due for the prior state fiscal year or facility fiscal |
year or portion of any prior state fiscal year or facility fiscal |
year.__The taxpayer may also claim on the reconciliation return a |
refund or credit for any overpayment of tax.__The determination |
of amounts due or overpaid is calculated by comparing the tax |
originally estimated and paid in the prior state fiscal year or |
facility fiscal year or years with the tax imposed by section |
2872 on taxable revenues accrued for that period, together with |
any audit adjustments or corrections of which the person has |
knowledge on or before the 15th day of the month immediately |
preceding the due date of the return.__The obligation to file a |
reconciliation return with respect to a particular state fiscal |
year or facility fiscal year continues until the relevant taxable |
revenues for that period have been finally determined and are no |
longer open to audit adjustment or correction and the person has |
reported those revenues on a reconciliation return. |