LD 1902
pg. 5
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LR 2748
Item 1

other amounts due on any term loans insured by the Finance
Authority of Maine to an eligible dairy farmer. Repayment of these
loans and interest on these loans must be credited to the fund and
may be used for the purposes stated in this section or Title 7,
section 436. Interest earned on money in the fund and interest
earned on loans made from the fund may be used to pay the
administrative costs of processing loan applications, to the extent
that these costs exceed the fee for administrative costs
established by Title 7, section 435, subsection 4.

Sec. 9. Report on Baxter State Park's reservation system. The Baxter State
Park Authority shall submit a report to the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over state parks
and lands matters no later than January 2, 2006. The report must
include a description of the rolling reservation system scheduled
to go into effect January 1, 2005, a preliminary evaluation of
the effectiveness of the rolling reservation system in fairly and
efficiently allocating campsites and any modifications to the
rolling reservation system that have been adopted or are being

Sec. 10. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations
and allocations are made.



Certified Seed Fund

Initiative: Allocates funds to reflect the establishment of the
new Certified Seed Fund program.

Other Special Revenue Funds2003-042004-05

Positions - Legislative Count (0.000) (11.500)

Positions - FTE Count (0.000) (6.149)

Personal Services$0$567,672

All Other0257,379


Other Special Revenue Funds Total$0$825,051

Division of Plant Industry 0831

Initiative: Deallocates funds to reflect the establishment of
the new Certified Seed Fund program.

Other Special Revenue Funds2003-042004-05

Positions - Legislative Count (0.000) (-11.500)

Positions - FTE Count (0.000) (-6.149)

Personal Services$0 ($567,672)

All Other0 (257,379)

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