LD 1816
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LR 2505
Item 1

Sec. 11. 36 MRSA §1760, sub-§76, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 317, is
amended to read:

76. Aircraft parts. The sale or use in this State of
replacement or repair parts of an aircraft in this State when
used by a scheduled airline in the performance of service under
federal regulations of the Civil Aeronautics Board, Part 298 or
under 49 United States Code, Section 1371 Subtitle VII and
Federal Aviation Administration regulations.

Sec. 12. 36 MRSA §2903, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 738, §4, is
amended to read:

4. Exemptions. This subsection The tax imposed by this
section does not apply to internal combustion engine fuel:

A. Sold wholly for exportation from this State;

B. Brought into this State in the ordinary standardized
equipment fuel tank attached to and a part of a motor
vehicle and used in the operation of that vehicle in this

C. Sold in bulk to any political subdivision of this State;

D. Bought or used by any person to propel jet or turbojet
engine aircraft in international flight flights;

E. Brought into this State in the fuel tanks of an
aircraft; or

F. On which the collection of the tax imposed by this
section is precluded by federal law or regulation.

Sec. 13. 36 MRSA §3204-A, sub-§7, as amended by PL 1997, c. 738, §11,
is further amended to read:

7. Kerosene for retail sale. Kerosene prepackaged for home
use or delivered into a separate tank for retail sale, in which
case the excise tax must be remitted by licensed users pursuant
to section 3207, rather than by the supplier; and

Sec. 14. 36 MRSA §5122, sub-§1, śN, as repealed and replaced by PL
2003, c. 479, §2, is amended to read:

N. With respect to property placed in service during the
taxable year, an amount equal to the net increase in
depreciation or expensing attributable to:

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