LD 1897
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LR 2694
Item 1

(25)__A municipal code enforcement official;

(26)__A commercial film and photographic print

(27)__A clergy member acquiring the information as a
result of clerical professional work except for
information received during confidential

(28)__A chair of a professional licensing board that
has jurisdiction over mandated reporters; and

(29)__A humane agent employed by the Department of
Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources;

Sec. 9. Retroactivity. That section of this Act that amends the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 22, section 3477, subsection 1,
paragraph A and that section that repeals and replaces Title 22,
section 4011-A, subsection 1, paragraph A apply retroactively to
September 13, 2003.

Sec. 10. 22 MRSA §8103, sub-§1, as repealed by PL 2003, c. 411, §1 and
repealed and replaced by c. 510, Pt. A, §18, is repealed.

Sec. 11. PL 2003, c. 510, Pt. B, §3 is amended to read:

*Sec. B-3. Retroactivity. That section of this Part that repeals and
replaces the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 5, section 191 takes
effect applies retroactively to July 1, 2003.

Sec. 12. PL 2003, c. 510, Pt. C, §10 is repealed.

Sec. 13. Retroactivity. That section of this Act that repeals Public
Law 2003, chapter 510, Part C, section 10 applies retroactively
to January 11, 2004.

Sec. 14. PL 2003, c. 510, Pt. E, §4 is amended to read:

*Sec. E-4. Retroactivity. Those sections of this Part that repeal and
replace the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 22, section 3477,
subsection 1, paragraph A and section 4011-A, subsection 1,
paragraph A take effect 90 days after adjournment of the First
Regular Session of the 121st Legislature apply retroactively to
September 13, 2003.

Sec. 15. PL 2003, c. 510, Pt. F, §2 is amended to read:

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