LD 1767
pg. 22
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LR 2593
Item 1

B.__The right of any other party to the contract to maintain
any action, suit or proceeding on the contract; or

C.__The right of the domestic limited partnership to defend
any action, suit or proceeding in any court of this State.

6.__Authority of registered agent.__The administrative
dissolution of a domestic limited partnership does not terminate
the authority of its registered agent.

7.__Protecting domestic limited partnership name after
administrative dissolution.__The name of a domestic limited
partnership remains in the Secretary of State's record of limited
partnership names and is protected for a period of 3 years
following administrative dissolution.

8.__Notice to Superintendent of Financial Institutions in case
of financial institution or credit union.__In the case of a
financial institution authorized to do business in this State or
a credit union authorized to do business in this State, as
defined in Title 9-B, the Secretary of State shall notify the
Superintendent of Financial Institutions within a reasonable time
prior to administratively dissolving the financial institution or
credit union under this section.

§408-C.__Reinstatement following administrative dissolution of

domestic limited partnership

1.__Application for reinstatement.__A domestic limited
partnership administratively dissolved under section 408-B may
apply to the Secretary of State for reinstatement within 6 years
after the effective date of dissolution. The application must:

A.__State the name of the domestic limited partnership and
the effective date of its administrative dissolution;

B.__State that the ground or grounds for dissolution either
did not exist or have been eliminated; and

C.__State that the domestic limited partnership's name
satisfies the requirements of section 403-A.

2.__Reinstatement after administrative dissolution.__If the
Secretary of State determines that the application contains the
information required under subsection 1 and is accompanied by the
reinstatement fee set forth in section 526, subsection 6-A, and
that the information is correct, the Secretary of State shall
cancel the administrative dissolution and prepare a notice of
reinstatement that recites that determination and the effective
date of reinstatement. The Secretary of State shall send notice

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