LD 1767
pg. 28
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LR 2593
Item 1

C. The provisions of section 407, subsection 1 and section
494, subsection 2 requiring that all limited partnerships have
and maintain in this State a registered office and a
registered agent for service of process apply to limited
partnerships formed before January 1, 1992 and foreign limited
partnerships that obtain authority to do business in this
State before January 1, 1992 as follows.

(1) By April 1, 1992 a general partner of each limited
partnership shall pay a fee of $40 and file with the
Secretary of State:

(a) If the limited partnership does not have a
registered agent and registered office, a
certificate designating the registered agent and
registered office for the limited partnership; or

(b) If the limited partnership has a registered
agent and registered office, a certificate
confirming that the name and address of its
current registered agent and registered office are

A limited partnership that files a certificate of
limited partnership, an application for authority to do
business in this State or a restated certificate under
section 422, subsection 6 after January 1, 1992 but
before April 1, 1992 is not required to file a
certificate or pay the fee required under this

(2) Until a registered agent and a registered office
are designated under subparagraph (1), the general
partner first named in the partnership's certificate of
limited partnership and having an address within this
State is deemed the partnership's registered agent and
that general partner's address as stated in the
certificate is deemed the partnership's registered

(3) If the limited partnership has not filed a
certificate designating a registered agent and
registered office by April 1, 1992, the Secretary of
State may suspend the limited partnership under section
408 408-A or revoke the authority of the limited
partnership to do business in this State under section
498 498-B; and

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