LD 1158
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LR 1259
Item 1

discharge graywater or a mixture of graywater and

For purposes of this paragraph, the department shall adopt
rules, which are routine technical rules pursuant to Title
5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A, to implement the
requirements in the federal Consolidated Appropriations Act
of 2001, Public Law 106-554, Section 1(a)(4) and Appendix D,
Division B, Title XIV, Section 1404(b) or (c), 114 Stat.
2763, 2763A-316 and Code of Federal Regulations 159.315 and
159.317 (2003) with the following changes:__"Maine" is
substituted for "Alaska," "Department of Environmental
Protection" is substituted for "Captain of the Port" and for
"Coast Guard," and "graywater or a mixture of graywater and
blackwater" is substituted for "treated sewage and/or

The department shall enter into a memorandum of agreement
with the United States Coast Guard to consolidate
information requirements of the department and the United
States Coast Guard to the extent acceptable to the United
States Coast Guard.

5.__Agent for service of process.__The owner or operator of a
commercial passenger vessel shall continuously maintain a
designated agent for service of process whenever the commercial
passenger vessel is in coastal waters.__The agent must be an
individual resident of the State, a domestic corporation or a
foreign corporation having a place of business in and authorized
to do business in the State.__"Agent for service of process"
means an agent upon whom process, notice of or demand required or
permitted by law to be served upon the owner or operator may be

6. Innocent passage.__This section does not apply to a
commercial passenger vessel that operates in the coastal waters
of the State solely in innocent passage.__For purposes of this
paragraph, a commercial passenger vessel is engaged in innocent
passage if its operation in coastal waters of the State,
regardless of whether the vessel is a United States or foreign-
flag vessel, would constitute innocent passage under the:

A.__Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous
Zone, April 29, 1958, 15 U.S.T. 1606; or

B.__United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982,
December 10, 1982, United Nations publication No. E.83.V.5,
21 I.L.M. 1261 (1982), were the vessel a foreign-flag

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