LD 1920
pg. 106
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LR 2679
Item 1

gear used to concentrate species for harvest under this subsection.

Each day a person violates a condition or restriction placed on
the use of gear allowed under this subsection, that person
commits a Class E crime.

3.__Fees; transfer of permit. The minimum fee for an
individual permit for alewives, suckers, lampreys and yellow
perch is $42.__A crew permit may be sold for alewives, suckers,
lampreys and yellow perch for $100, authorizing up to 3 persons
to engage in the permitted activity.__The annual fee for an eel
pot or weir permit is $100.__An eel pot or eel weir permit is not

4.__Five-year limited entry; eel weirs.__A person is
ineligible to receive an eel weir permit unless that person
possessed a valid eel weir permit for calendar year 1995.__The
department shall adopt routine technical rules pursuant to Title
5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A regarding the issuance of eel weir
permits.__The number of weirs and the number of square miles of
watersheds in this State fished by eel weirs can be no more than
those permitted in calendar year 1995.

5.__Exception to permit requirement.__Notwithstanding
subsection 1:

A.__A person may fish for alewives by use of a dip net or
single hook and line for consumption by that person or
members of that person's family, provided that the person
takes or possesses no more than one bushel in any day and
provided also that the alewives are not taken from any
waters in which a municipality or other person has been
granted exclusive rights under section 6131;

B.__A person may fish for or possess alewives from inland
waters if that person has been granted fishing rights under
section 6131; and

C.__A person may take suckers for use as bait for fishing in
inland waters as provided in section 12551-A without a
permit under subsection 2.

6.__Eels and elvers prohibitions.__The following prohibitions
apply to the harvesting of eels and elvers in inland waters.

A.__A person may not fish for or take elvers from inland

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