LD 1318
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LR 1321
Item 1

F.__Any other information the panel specifically requests.

§1358.__Rate determination proceedings

1.__Public notice.__Upon receipt of a properly filed petition,
the panel shall publish notice in newspapers of general
circulation in the areas of the State affected by the petition
filing.__The panel shall also provide notice to any person who
has requested to be notified of filings.__Notice must be provided
at least 30 days before any hearing to be held, and at least 30
days before the close of a comment period on the filing, unless
the panel determines that a shorter notice period is required by
extraordinary circumstances.

2.__Written comment; hearing.__The panel shall solicit written
comment from persons interested in the rates of compensation for
harvesting and hauling services.__The panel may also hold a
public hearing to collect information and shall hold a public
hearing if requested by any party to the proceeding.

3.__Panel decision.__After the close of the comment period and
completion of any public hearing on the petition, the panel shall
issue a decision determining reasonable rates to be paid by a
forest landowner for services that are the subject of the
petition and reasonable geographic applicability for the rates,
as the panel determines appropriate. The panel's decision is a
final agency action for purposes of Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter 7 and may be appealed pursuant to that subchapter.__
Rates determined by the panel are not stayed pending the appeal.

4.__Standard for determining reasonable rate.__In determining
a reasonable rate to be paid by a forest landowner for harvesting
or hauling services, the panel shall consider, to the extent
relevant, the following factors:

A.__Prices or projected prices for the harvesting services
or hauling services currently paid by forest landowners in
the State and in other states;

B.__The quantity of forest products available in the market
area or competing areas;

C.__The relationship between the quantity produced and the
quantity handled by the forest landowner;

D.__The harvester's or hauler's costs, including, but not
limited to, wages, overhead, fuel, insurance and the cost of
replacing equipment;

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