LD 1683
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LR 2241
Item 1

L.__A representative of emergency medical services of
participating municipalities, recommended by the Emergency
Medical Services' Board established by Title 5, section 12004-
A, subsection 15 and appointed by the Governor;

M.__A representative of the users of the department's
communications system, appointed by the Governor.__After the
initial appointment, the Governor shall appoint a person who
serves on an advisory board established pursuant to section
1532, subsection 6 and who is recommended by a majority of
the members of the advisory boards;

N.__A nonsupervisory employee of the department involved in
the operation of the department's communications system,
recommended by the bargaining unit representing those
employees and appointed by the Governor; and

O.__One citizen representing the public, who is not and has
not been associated with law enforcement, fire fighting or
emergency medical services, appointed by the Governor.

For purposes of this subsection, "participating" means
participating in the cooperative use of the department's
communication systems.

3.__Term of office; vacancy.__Ex officio members of the board
serve during their terms of office.__ Other members of the board
serve 3-year terms, except that initial appointments are made
pursuant to subsection 4.__A vacancy on the board must be filled
for the remainder of the unexpired term of that member in the
same manner as the original appointment.__Members whose terms
expire serve until their successors are appointed.

4.__Initial appointments.__Initial appointments to the board
are made as follows:

A.__The member representing the Executive Department is
appointed for a one-year term;

B.__The member representing municipalities with populations
of less than 5,000 is appointed for a one-year term, the
member representing municipalities with populations of 5,000
or more but less than 15,000 is appointed for a 2-year term
and the member representing municipalities with populations
of 15,000 or more is appointed for a 3-year term;

C.__The member representing counties is appointed for a one-
year term;

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