LD 1916
pg. 20
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LR 2678
Item 1

officer only if both parties consent to determination of
the issue or issues in dispute by the family case
management officer;

(2-A)__Parental rights and responsibilities and parent-
child contact orders entered pursuant to Title 19-A,
section 4006, subsection 5 and section 4007, subsection
1, paragraph G to make such orders consistent with
subsequently entered orders in matters included in
subparagraphs (1), (2) and (3);

(3)__Final orders in any of the matters included in
subparagraphs (1) and (2) when the proceeding is

(4)__Final orders in a contested proceeding when child
support is the only contested issue;

(4-A)__Applications for writs of habeas corpus to
facilitate the attendance of proceedings by and return
of a party who is incarcerated;

(4-B)__Requests for access to confidential Department
of Human Services child protective records in
accordance with Title 22, section 4008.__The family
case management officer may review records in camera to
determine whether to grant access; and

(5)__Other actions assigned by the Chief Judge of the
District Court.

Sec. C-2. 12 MRSA §685-E, 2nd ¶, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 451, Pt.
SS, §1, is amended to read:

Beginning with fiscal year 2003-04, a town or a plantation in
the commission's jurisdiction that elects not to administer land
use controls at the local level but receives commission services,
including planning, permitting and ensuring compliance, must be
assessed a fee equal to .0l% of the most recent equalized state
valuation established by the State Tax Assessor for that town or
plantation. The State Tax Assessor shall issue a warrant to each
such town or plantation no later than March 1st of each year.
The warrant is payable on demand. Interest charges on unpaid
fees begin on May 1st June 30th of each year and are compounded
monthly at the interest rate for unpaid property tax as
established by the State Tax Assessor for the unorganized
territory. For any assessment that remains unpaid as of
September 1st of the year in which it is due, state revenue
sharing to that town or plantation must be reduced by an amount
equal to any unpaid warrant amount
plus any accrued interest,

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