LD 1836
pg. 6
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LR 2648
Item 1

actuarial cost of that member's service credit and the amount to be
paid by the member under subsection 4.

A.__The retirement system shall annually, by February 15th,
report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over retirement matters and the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction
over appropriations matters:

(1) The amount, if any, in the account maintained for
the purposes of this subsection;

(2) The cost to subsidize the purchase of service
credit under this subsection for members who applied
and were determined eligible in the calendar year
immediately preceding the report; and

(3) The cost to subsidize the purchase of service
credit under this subsection for members who applied
and were determined eligible in each of the calendar
years before the immediately preceding calendar year
for which full appropriations were not made.

B.__In response to the report described in paragraph A, the
joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over retirement matters may report out
legislation appropriating funds for all or a part of the
costs set forth in the report.

C.__The retirement system shall maintain a separate account
for funds appropriated for the purposes of this subsection.__
When the account contains sufficient funds to subsidize the
purchase of service credit for all members who applied and
were determined to be eligible in a particular calendar
year, the retirement system shall allow that group of
members to make purchases.__Funds in the account must be
applied to the earliest calendar year for which members
remain who are eligible but have not yet been able to make

Sec. 4. 5 MRSA §17851, sub-§4, ķA, as amended by PL 1997, c. 740, §3
and affected by §6, is further amended to read:

A. Became a state police officer after July 9, 1943, but
before September 16, 1984, and retires after completing 20
years of creditable service as a state police officer, which
may include creditable service under section 17760,
subsection 1, but may not include creditable service under
section 17760, subsection 2 3; or

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