LD 1957
pg. 4
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LR 2823
Item 1

D.__Whether the exception protects an individual's privacy
interest and, if so, whether that interest substantially
outweighs the public interest in the disclosure of records;

E.__Whether public disclosure puts a business at a
competitive disadvantage and, if so, whether that business's
interest substantially outweighs the public interest in the
disclosure of records;

F.__Whether public disclosure compromises the position of a
public body in negotiations and, if so, whether that public
body's interest substantially outweighs the public interest
in the disclosure of records;

G.__Whether public disclosure jeopardizes the safety of a
member of the public or the public in general and, if so,
whether that safety interest substantially outweighs the
public interest in the disclosure of records;

H.__Whether the exception is as narrowly tailored as
possible; and

I.__Any other criteria that assist the review committee in
determining the value of the exception as compared to the
public's interest in the record protected by the exception.

3.__Assistance from committees of jurisdiction.__The review
committee shall seek assistance in evaluating public records
exceptions from the joint standing committees of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over the subject matter related to the
exceptions being reviewed.__The review committee may hold joint
public hearings with the appropriate committees of jurisdiction.__
The review committee shall notify the appropriate committees of
jurisdiction concerning work sessions and shall allow members of
the appropriate committees of jurisdiction to participate in work

§433.__Schedule for review of exceptions to public records

1.__Scheduling guidelines.__The joint standing committee of
the Legislature having jurisdiction over judiciary matters shall
review public records exceptions as follows.

A.__In 2006 and every 10 years thereafter, the committee
shall review exceptions codified in:

(1)__Title 1;

(2)__Title 2;

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