LD 1903
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LR 2718
Item 1

Sec. A-15. 17-A MRSA §1253, sub-§2, ķA is enacted to read:

A.__For any person who commits a crime on or after August 1,
2004, is subsequently sentenced to a term of imprisonment
for that crime and is entitled to receive a day-for-day

deduction pursuant to this subsection, up to 2 additional
days per calendar month may be credited to that deduction if
the person's conduct during that period of detention was
such that the credit is determined to be warranted in the
discretion of the chief administrative officer of the
facility in which the person has previously been detained.

Credits under this paragraph must be calculated as follows
for partial calendar months:

Days of partial monthMaximum credit


1 to 15 daysup to 1

16 to 31 daysup to 2

The sheriff or other person required to furnish a statement
showing the length of detention shall also furnish a
statement showing the number of days credited pursuant to
this paragraph.

Detention awaiting trial, during trial, post-trial awaiting
sentencing or post-sentencing prior to the date on which a
sentence commences to run is not punishment.

Sec. A-16. 17-A MRSA §1253, sub-§6-A, as amended by PL 1995, c. 433,
§2, is further amended to read:

6-A. When a judgment of conviction involving a term of
imprisonment is vacated or a sentence involving a term of
imprisonment is revised or reviewed and a new sentence involving
a term of imprisonment is thereafter imposed upon the person for
the same offense, day-for-day credit must be accorded on the new
sentence both for each day the person served in execution of the
initial sentence and for all previously earned deductions
specified in subsections 4, 5 and, 8, 9 and 10 and Title 30-A,
section 1606. Prior to the day-for-day credit being given on the
new sentence, the new sentence must, after first having been
reduced by any deductions specified in subsection 2 previously or
subsequently received, have applied to it the controlling
deduction specified in either subsection 3 or 3-B, if applicable.

Sec. A-17. 17-A MRSA §1253, sub-§7, as repealed and replaced by PL
1995, c. 433, §3, is amended to read:

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