LD 1915
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LR 2688
Item 1

4. Developing a plan for the creation of a civic education
and citizenship engagement index to track data on civic skills,
attitudes and behaviors of youth in this State. The task force
shall review the North Carolina Civic Index and other measures of
citizenship engagement and coordinate the development of an index
in this State that builds upon the work begun by the Muskie
School of Public Service in establishing Maine Marks: Social
Indicators of Child, Family and Community Well-being and the
Maine Economic Growth Council;

5. Examining in-service professional development programs for
educators in this State and identifying ways to infuse civic
skills, attitudes and behaviors into curricular and cocurricular
programs for students in this State; and

6. Examining national voter education and voter registration
models and making recommendations to the Secretary of State on
ways to promote voter education and voter registration efforts
for students in our secondary schools across the State; and be it

Sec. B-2. Report; legislation. Resolved: That the task force shall submit
an interim status report including any preliminary findings and
recommendations for presentation to the joint standing committee
of the Legislature having jurisdiction over education matters, to
the Commissioner of Education and to the State Board of Education
no later than November 3, 2004.

The task force shall submit its final report, including
findings, recommendations and suggested legislation, for
presentation to the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over education matters, the Commissioner of
Education and the Chair of the State Board of Education no later
than December 5, 2005. The joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over education matters has
authority to report out legislation based on the report to the
Second Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature.

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