LD 40
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LR 593
Item 1

Sec. 1. Resolve 2001, c. 113, §§5 and 7, amended. Resolved: That Resolve 2001,
c. 113, §§5 and 7 are amended to read:

*Sec. 5. Meetings. Resolved: That the commission may hold up to 4 8
meetings; and be it further

*Sec. 7. Consultation; reports. Resolved: That the commission shall consult
with the State House and Capitol Park Commission to ensure the
appropriateness of the design and location of the new plaque or
plaques and the selection and placement of the new flag or flags
within the State House Hall of Flags. When the commission has
agreed upon an appropriate location and design, but no later than
October 4, 2002, the commission shall submit its initial report
for review by the Legislative Council through the Office of the
Executive Director. A final report must be submitted to the
Executive Director of the Legislative Council by November 1, 2002
2003. Upon submission of its required reports, the commission
terminates; and be it further

; and be it

Sec. 2. Retroactivity. Resolved: That the section of this resolve that
amends Resolve 2001, chapter 113 applies retroactively to
November 1, 2002; and be it further

Sec. 3. Funding; intent. Resolved: That it is the intent of the
Legislature to fund the cost of the study through the
Legislature's study budget.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this resolve takes effect when approved.

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