121st Maine Legislature
Office of Fiscal and Program Review
LD 233
An Act To Promote Energy Conservation
LR 0850(01)
Fiscal Note for Original Bill
Sponsor: Sen. Strimling
Committee: Utilities and Energy
Fiscal Note Required: Yes
Fiscal Note
Minor cost increase - General Fund
Minor savings - Other Special Revenue Funds
Minor revenue increase - Other Special Revenue Funds
Fiscal Detail and Notes
The bill will eliminate proceedings that the Public Utilities Commission must currently conduct to determine the proper funding pursuant to 35-A MRSA section 3211-A, subsection 4.  These administrative savings are expected to be minor.  Requiring an assessment of $.0015 per kilowatt hour on all electricity delivered by Maine's utilities will result in a minor increase in dedicated funding for energy conservation programs in an amount that can not be determined at this time.  The cost to the State of Maine as an energy consumer will not be significant since most state facilites are assessed at the cap of $.0015 per kilowatt hour rate.