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LR 328
Item 1

provided by a state appropriation: state contribution determined
under section 15688, subsection 3, paragraph B divided by the
total cost determined in section 15688, subsection 1.

A. Operating costs total allocation, as described in
section 15683;

B. Program costs allocation, as described in section 15608,
subsection 2;

C. Allocations for debt service costs, as defined in
section 15603, subsection 8; and

D. Allocations for all adjustments and miscellaneous costs
authorized pursuant to sections 15612 and 15613.

31-A.__State subsidy. "State subsidy" means the total of the
state contribution determined under section 15688, subsection 3,
paragraph B and any applicable adjustment under section 15689.

31-B.__Subsidizable costs.__"Subsidizable costs" includes the
costs described in paragraphs A to C and used to calculate the
total allocation amount:

A.__The total operating allocation under section 15683;

B.__Debt service cost, including the following:

(1)__Principal and interest on approved school
construction costs as described in subsection 2-A,
paragraph A; excluding payments made with funds from
state and local government accounts established under
the federal Internal Revenue Code and regulations for
disposition of excess, unneeded proceeds of bonds
issued for a school project;

(2)__Approved lease and lease purchase costs as
described in subsection 2-A, paragraphs B and D; and

(3)__Insured value factor costs as described in section
5806, subsection 2; and

C.__Adjustments and miscellaneous costs under sections 15689
and 15689-A including special education tuition and board,
excluding medical costs.__For purposes of this paragraph,
"special education tuition and board" means:

(1)__Tuition and board for pupils placed directly by
the State in accordance with rules adopted or amended
by the commissioner; and

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