LD 1
pg. 48
Page 47 of 70 An Act To Increase the State Share of Education Costs, Reduce Property Taxes an... Page 49 of 70
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LR 328
Item 1

funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12
as described in the Essential Programs and Services
Funding Act in accordance with the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 20-A, section 15688 (Recommends):

Municipal local


Town A ($amount)

Town B ($amount)

Town C ($amount)

School District

Total ($sum of

(2)__The following statement must accompany the article
in subparagraph (1).__"Explanation: The school
administrative unit's contribution to the total cost of
funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12
as described in the Essential Programs and Services
Funding Act is the amount of money determined by state
law to be the minimum amount that each municipality
must raise in order to receive the full amount of state

C.__The state share of the total cost of funding public
education from kindergarten to grade 12 as described in
section 15688, excluding state-funded debt service for each
school administrative unit, is limited to the same
proportion as the local school administrative unit raises of
its local share of the school administrative unit's
contribution to the total cost of funding public education
from kindergarten to grade 12 as described in section 15688,
excluding state-funded debt service.

2.__Non-state-funded debt service.__For each school
administrative unit's contribution to debt service for non-state-
funded major capital school construction projects or non-state-
funded portions of major capital school construction projects,
the legislative body of each school administrative unit may vote
to raise and appropriate an amount up to the municipality's or
district's annual payments for non-state-funded debt service.

A.__An article in substantially the following form must be
used when a school administrative unit is considering the
appropriation for debt service allocation for

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