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LR 328
Item 1

Sec. A-5. 5 MRSA §1664, last ¶, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 451, Pt. X, §8,
is repealed.

Sec. A-6. 5 MRSA §1665, sub-§1, as amended by PL 2003, c. 451, Pt. X,
§9, is further amended to read:

1. Expenditure and appropriation requirements. On or before
September 1st of the even-numbered years, all departments and
other agencies of the State Government and corporations and
associations receiving or desiring to receive state funds under
the provisions of law shall prepare, in the manner prescribed by
and on blanks furnished them by the State Budget Officer, and
submit to the officer estimates of their expenditure and
appropriation requirements for each fiscal year of the ensuing
biennium contrasted with the corresponding figures of the last
completed fiscal year and the estimated figures for the current
fiscal year. The total General Fund appropriation requests
submitted by each department and agency for each fiscal year may
not exceed the General Fund appropriation of the previous fiscal
year multiplied by one plus the average real personal income
growth rate. For purposes of this subsection, "average real
personal income growth rate" means the average for the prior 10
calendar years, ending with the most recent calendar year for
which data is available, of the percent change in personal income
in this State for a calendar year, as estimated by the United
States Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, less
the percent change in the Consumer Price Index for that calendar
year. For purposes of this subsection, "Consumer Price Index"
has the same meaning as in Title 36, section 5402, subsection 1.
The expenditure estimates shall must be classified to set forth
the data by funds, organization units, character and objects of
expenditure. The organization units may be subclassified by
functions and activities, or in any other manner, at the
discretion of the State Budget Officer.

All departments and other agencies receiving or desiring to
receive state funds from the Highway Fund shall submit to the
officer estimates of their expenditure and appropriation
requirements for each fiscal year of the ensuing biennium that do
not exceed the Highway Fund appropriation of the previous fiscal
year multiplied by one plus the average real personal income
growth rate.__The Highway Fund highway and bridge improvement
accounts are exempt from this spending limitation.

Sec. A-7. 5 MRSA §1710-F, sub-§4 is enacted to read:

4. Committee to calculate long-term growth rate limitation.__
The committee shall calculate a percentage rate to be known as
the "long-term growth rate limitation" and shall include it in

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