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Item 1

total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade
12 as described in section 15688, the school administrative
unit's contribution to debt service for non-state-funded school
construction projects and additional local funds for school
purposes under section 15690.

2.__Municipal treasurer's payment schedule. The treasurer of
the member municipality, after being presented with the
assessment schedule, shall forward 1/12 of that member
municipality's share to the treasurer of the district on or
before the 20th day of each month of the fiscal year beginning in

§15692. Special school districts

1.__School administrative unit. For the purposes of section
15695 and Title 20, sections 3457 to 3460, a special school
district is deemed to be a school administrative unit.

2.__Debt service. Debt service on bonds or notes issued by a
special school district must be included in the school budget of
the school administrative unit that operates the schools
constructed by that district. The school board for the school
administrative unit that operates the special district's schools
shall pay to the special school district all sums necessary to
meet the payments of principal and interest on bonds or notes
when due and to cover maintenance or other costs for which the
special school district is responsible.

§15693. School budget; budget formats

1.__Content. A school administrative unit shall include in its
school budget document:

A. The school administrative unit's total cost of funding
public education from kindergarten to grade 12, its non-
state-funded debt service, if any, and any additional
expenditures authorized by law;

B. A summary of anticipated revenues and estimated school
expenditures for the fiscal year; and

C. The following statement, including the estimated dollar
amount of state retirement payments: "This budget does not
include the estimated amount of $________in employer share
of teacher retirement costs that is paid directly by the

2.__Budget deadlines. The following time limitations apply to
adoption of a school budget under this section.

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