LD 1
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Page 54 of 70 An Act To Increase the State Share of Education Costs, Reduce Property Taxes an... Page 56 of 70
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LR 328
Item 1

(1) Within 15 days after receipt of a request from the
school board, if the request is received within 15 days
of the budget meeting at which the budget was finally
approved and it specifies the article or articles to be
reconsidered; or

(2) Within 15 days after receipt of a written
application presented in accordance with Title 30-A,
section 2532, if the application is received within 15
days of the budget meeting at which the budget was
finally approved and it specifies the article or
articles to be reconsidered.

3.__Invalidation of action of special budget reconsideration
meeting. If a special budget meeting is called to reconsider
action taken at a regular budget meeting, the actions of the
meeting are invalid if the number of voters at the special budget
meeting is less than the number of voters present at the regular
budget meeting.

4.__Line-item transfers. Meetings requested by a school board
for the purpose of transferring funds from one category or line
item to another must be posted for voter or council action within
15 days of the date of the request.

§15695. Bonds; notes; other

All bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued for
school purposes by a school administrative unit for major capital
expenses, bus purchases or current operating expenses, including
tax or other revenue anticipation notes, are general obligations
of the unit.

1.__Tax assessments. The municipal officers or school board
shall require the sums that are necessary to meet in full the
principal of and interest on the bonds, notes or other evidences
of indebtedness issued pursuant to this section payable in each
year to be assessed and collected in the manner provided by law
for the assessment and collection of taxes.

2.__Reduction. The sums to be assessed and collected under
subsection 1 must be reduced by the amount of an allocation of
funds appropriated by the Legislature to pay the principal and
interest owed by the school administrative unit in a given year
as certified to the unit by the commissioner. The commissioner
shall certify the amount due to the unit within 30 days of its
appropriation by the Legislature.

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