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LR 328
Item 1

commissioner's recommendation pursuant to section 15689-C the
total costs to the individual school administrative units
associated with providing all special education services mandated
under federal or state law, rule or regulation for the school
year associated with the commissioner's recommendation.__In
addition to any appropriations required by section 15689-E, the
Legislature shall appropriate and ensure the accurate
distribution of the total amount identified by the commissioner,
adjusted by the federal reimbursements for the costs of special
education services mandated by federal or state law, rule or
regulation that will be provided to the individual school
administrative units for that same school year.

§15754.__Fund for the Efficient Delivery of Educational Services

The Fund for the Efficient Delivery of Educational Services,
referred to in this section as "the fund," is established.

Two percent of the funds annually appropriated pursuant to
this chapter must be dedicated to the fund and distributed from
the fund to those school administrative units and municipalities
that can demonstrate significant and sustainable savings in the
cost of delivering educational services through changes in
governance, administrative structure or adopted policy that
result in the creation of consolidated school administrative
units, broad-based purchasing alliances, enhanced regional
delivery of educational services or collaborative school-
municipal service delivery or service support systems.


The State's school administrative units and municipalities are
entitled to the appropriations required by this chapter.

Sec. D-57. 30-A MRSA §6006-F, sub-§6, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 787,
§13, is amended to read:

6. Forgiveness of principal payments. The fund must provide
direct grants by forgiving the principal payments of a loan for
an eligible school administrative unit. The amount of the
forgiveness of principal payments must be determined by the
school administrative unit's state share percentage of debt
service costs as determined in Title 20-A, section 15611 15672,
subsection 31, not to exceed:

A. Seventy percent and no less than 30% for health, safety
and compliance;

B. Seventy percent and no less than 30% for repairs and
improvements; and

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