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Page 60 of 70 An Act To Increase the State Share of Education Costs, Reduce Property Taxes an... Page 62 of 70
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LR 328
Item 1

8.__Enforcement.__In the event a county makes appropriations
in violation of this section, the State Tax Assessor may require
the county to adjust its appropriation limit downward in an
amount equal to the illegal appropriation and impose such other
penalties as the Legislature may provide.


Sec. F-1. 36 MRSA §685-A is enacted to read:

§685-A.__Program funding

During the period in which the State is increasing funding to
at least 55% of the cost of essential programs and services, as
described in Title 20-A, section 15671, the appropriation for the
homestead property tax exemption must be at least $36,000,000.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, beginning with
fiscal year 2005-06 and ending with the fiscal year for which the
State first enacts a budget that funds at least 55% of the cost
of essential programs and services as described in Title 20-A,
section 15671, the State Controller shall transfer at the close
of the fiscal year the balance of the funds appropriated for the
homestead property tax exemption under this chapter after all
required deductions of appropriation, budgeted financial
commitments and other adjustments considered necessary by the
State Controller have been made to the so-called circuit breaker
reserve for the following fiscal year.

Sec. F-2. 36 MRSA §6203-A, as enacted by PL 2003, c. 673, Pt. BB,
§2, is amended to read:

§6203-A. Procedure for reimbursement

At least monthly on or before the last day of the month, the
The State Tax Assessor shall determine the benefit for each
claimant under this chapter and certify the amount to the State
Controller to be transferred to the so-called circuit breaker
reserve established, maintained and administered by the State
Controller from General Fund undedicated revenue within the
individual income tax category. At least monthly, the The
assessor shall pay the certified amounts to each approved
applicant qualifying for the benefit under this chapter.
Interest may not be allowed on any payment made to a claimant
pursuant to this chapter. In addition to the transfer required
by section 685-A, by the end of fiscal years 2006-07, 2007-08 and
2008-09, the State Controller shall ensure that the amount
transferred to the so-called circuit breaker reserve from
undedicated revenue within the individual income tax
category is

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