LD 30
pg. 13
Page 12 of 13 An Act To Apply a System of Spending Limitations to State, County and Municipal... LD 30 Title Page
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LR 891
Item 1

8.__Enforcement.__In the event a county makes appropriations
in violation of this section, the State Tax Assessor may require
the county to adjust its appropriation limit downward in an
amount equal to the illegal appropriation and may impose any
other penalties the Legislature provides.


Sec. E-1. 30-A MRSA §7102, as enacted by PL 1987, c. 737, Pt. A, §2
and Pt. C, §106 and amended by PL 1989, c. 6; c. 9, §2; and c.
104, Pt. C, §§8 and 10, is further amended by adding at the end a
new paragraph to read:

The appropriation limitations set forth in section 5721-A are
applicable to the appropriations and revenues of plantations.


This bill establishes spending limitation systems governing
state, county and local governments and school administrative
units. The bill is modeled on the spending limitation system
provided in an initiative proposed by the Maine State Chamber of
Commerce, with some adjustments relating to the use of certain
governance systems at the local, school and county levels. The
bill establishes a growth allowance, based on the average real
growth of total personal income, to govern the year-to-year
growth of the State's General Fund appropriations, county
assessments, school district assessments, the property tax
commitments levied for municipal school systems and the property
tax commitments levied for municipal services. For local
government, the base growth allowance is adjusted by the
appropriate property growth factor, which is a measure of new
taxable property introduced into a municipality or multimunicipal
region. Except for limited emergency situations, the Legislature
may exceed its spending limit only by a 2/3 vote of both Houses.
Except for emergency situations, the spending limit may be
exceeded by county, school and local governments only by placing
the budget before the voters at referendum, unless alternative
budget adoption procedures are established by charter amendment
or the adoption of a local ordinance by referendum approval. The
budgets of school administrative units are exempted from the
limitations to the extent those budgets, on a year-to-year basis,
do not exceed a baseline relationship between the total school
budget and the total essential programs and services allocation
for that school administrative unit.

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