LD 86
pg. 1
LD 86 Title Page An Act To Increase the Availability of Individual Health Insurance in Maine ... LD 86 Title Page
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LR 813
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 24-A MRSA §2736-C, sub-§6, ķA, as amended by PL 1995, c. 332,
Pt. K, §1, is further amended to read:

A. Each carrier must actively market individual health plan
coverage, including any standardized plans defined pursuant
to subsection 8, to individuals in this State.

Sec. 2. 24-A MRSA §2736-C, sub-§8, as amended by PL 1999, c. 256, Pt.
D, §2, is further amended to read:

8. Authority of the superintendent. The superintendent may
by rule define one or more standardized individual health plans
that must may be offered by all carriers offering individual
health plans in the State, other than carriers offering only
CHAMPUS supplemental coverage.


This bill removes the requirement that health insurance
carriers offer standardized individual health plans defined by
the Superintendent of Insurance.

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