LD 106
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LD 106 Title Page An Act To Provide Equity in the State Contribution to County Jail Expenses ... Page 2 of 2
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 17-A MRSA §1252, sub-§1, ¶¶A and B, as enacted by PL 1989, c.
693, §5, are amended to read:

A. For a Class D or Class E crime the court must specify a
county jail as the place of imprisonment.

B. For a Class A, Class B or, Class C or Class D crime the
court must:

(1) Specify a county jail as the place of imprisonment
if the term of imprisonment is 9 6 months or less; or

(2) Commit the person to the Department of Corrections
if the term of imprisonment is more than 9 6 months.

Sec. 2. 17-A MRSA §1252, sub-§7, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 693, §7, is
amended to read:

7. If a sentence to a term of imprisonment in a county jail
is consecutive to or is to be followed by a sentence to a term of
imprisonment in the custody of the Department of Corrections, the
court imposing either sentence may order that both be served in
the custody of the Department of Corrections. If a court imposes
consecutive terms of imprisonment for Class D or Class E crimes
and the aggregate length of the terms imposed is one year 6
months or more, the court may shall order that they be served in
the custody of the Department of Corrections.

Sec. 3. 34-A MRSA §1210-B is enacted to read:


The Legislature shall annually appropriate to each jail
authority an amount sufficient to supplement amounts distributed
pursuant to section 1210-A so that the total from both funding
sources reimburses the jail authority for:

1.__Prisoners committed to county facilities.__The jail
authority's average total cost of the support of prisoners
committed by court to that jail authority's correctional
facilities.__The average total cost of the support of prisoners
committed by court to a jail authority's correctional facilities
must be based on the average daily cost of supporting such
prisoners in those facilities; and

2. Prisoners housed at county facilities.__The full cost
incurred by the jail authority for the support of prisoners
committed to the Department of Corrections but who, as a result

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