LD 134
pg. 2
Page 1 of 7 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Commission To Study Public Healt... Page 3 of 7
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LR 159
Item 1

6.__General Fund limitation.__Notwithstanding any provision to
the contrary in this section, funding for any program, expansion
of a program, expenditure or transfer authorized by the
Legislature using the fund may not be transferred to the General
Fund without specific legislative approval.

7.__Obesity prevention purposes.__Allocations are limited to
the following obesity prevention-related purposes:

A.__Coordinated school health programs;

B.__Annual assessments of body-mass index of students in

C.__Increased availability of fresh fruits and vegetables in
schools; and

D.__Media campaigns encouraging healthy diets and physical

8.__Report by Treasurer of State.__The Treasurer of State
shall report at least annually on or before the 2nd Friday in
December to the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs and
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over health and human services matters.__The report
must summarize the activity in any funds or accounts directly
related to this section.

9.__Annual appropriation.__Beginning July 1, 2006, the State
Controller is authorized to provide an annual appropriation from
the General Fund to the fund to provide money for the purposes
described in subsection 7, in an amount determined by the
Legislature to adequately support those purposes.

10.__Restricted accounts.__The State Controller is authorized
to establish separate accounts within the fund in order to
segregate money received by the fund from any source, whether
public or private, that requires as a condition of the
contribution to the fund that the use of the money contributed be
restricted to one or more of the purposes specified in subsection
7.__Money credited to a restricted account established under this
subsection may be applied only to the purposes to which the
account is restricted.

Sec. 2. Commission extended. The Commission to Study Public Health,
created pursuant to Resolve 2003, chapter 95, is extended through
the Second Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature for the
following purposes: to collect and evaluate evidence, to
coordinate wellness initiatives, to seek grant funding

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