LD 143
pg. 1
LD 143 Title Page An Act To Improve Access to Public Lands LD 143 Title Page
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LR 2110
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. I.B. 1975, §3 is amended to read:

*Sec. 3. Purpose. The purpose of this Act is to set aside land to
be retained in its natural state for the use and enjoyment of the
public. The Preserve shall must be managed for outdoor
recreation such as hiking, fishing, and hunting, and cross-
country skiing and for timber harvesting. Timber harvesting
within the Preserve shall must be carried out in a manner
approved by the Department of Conservation, Bureau of Forestry
and consistent with the area's scenic beauty and natural
features. All motor vehicles, not including vehicles engaged in
timber harvesting or trail maintenance for cross-country skiing,
shall be are restricted to roads designated for their use, except
that snowmobiles shall are also be allowed on designated trails.
Designated roads shall must be limited to those easily accessible
to automobiles as of the effective date of this Act. No
buildings Buildings, ski lifts, power transmission facilities, or
other structures shall may not be built in the Preserve except
for open trail shelters, essential service facilities, temporary
structures used in timber harvesting, small signs, and other
small structures that are in keeping with the undeveloped
character of the Preserve.


This bill amends the laws governing the Bigelow Preserve to
permit cross-country skiing and the use of vehicles engaged in
trail maintenance for cross-country skiing within the boundary of
the Bigelow Preserve.

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