LD 176
pg. 1
LD 176 Title Page An Act To Eliminate Limitations on Access to Medications under Certain State Pr... LD 176 Title Page
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LR 1490
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 22 MRSA §3174-GG is enacted to read:

§3174-GG.__Access to medications

Beginning October 15, 2005 the prescription drug benefit in
the MaineCare program, the elderly low-cost drug program under
section 254 and the Maine Rx Plus Program under section 2681 must
provide access to medically necessary prescription drugs for
members and enrollees in those programs without the imposition of
a prior authorization procedure.__The department shall adopt
rules to implement this section.__Rules adopted pursuant to this
section are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter 2-A.


This bill provides that beginning October 15, 2005
prescription drug benefits in the MaineCare program, the elderly
low-cost drug program and the Maine Rx Plus Program must provide
access to medically necessary prescription drugs for members and
enrollees in those programs without the imposition of a prior
authorization procedure. The Department of Health and Human
Services is directed to adopt routine technical rules to
implement this provision.

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