LD 189
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine To Provide Prop... Page 3 of 3
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LR 509
Item 1

Constitution, Art. IX, §8, sub-§6 is enacted to read:

6.__Homestead land value.__A municipality may limit the rate
of change in the taxable value of homestead land to the rate of
change in purchasing power of United States currency as
consistently measured by a reliable index adopted by the
Legislature.__This limitation does not apply to changes in value
arising from physical alterations to the land or arising from
changes in law affecting authorized use of the land.

"Homestead land" means land that is exclusively and continuously
owned by one or more residents of the State while the land
remains the principal home of each owner.__The taxable value of
the parcel must be restored to just value upon change in
ownership or use.__A homestead parcel qualifying for the
limitation may not be larger than reasonably necessary to support
a personal residence and may be otherwise limited or defined by
the Legislature.

The decision by a municipality to limit the rate of change in
taxable value of homestead land under this subsection does not
affect the determination of the equalized just value of taxable
property in the municipality for any purpose.

; and be it

Constitutional referendum procedure; form of question; effective date. Resolved:
That the municipal officers of this State shall notify the
inhabitants of their respective cities, towns and plantations to
meet, in the manner prescribed by law for holding a statewide
election, at a statewide election, on the Tuesday following the
first Monday of November following the passage of this
resolution, to vote upon the ratification of the amendment
proposed in this resolution by voting upon the following

"Do you favor amending the Constitution of Maine to allow:

1. The Legislature to provide for the assessment of land
and structures used primarily for commercial fishing
purposes based on the current use of that property, if the
muncipality in which the land and structures are found
decides to make that option available; and

2. Municipalities to limit the rate of change in the
taxable value of homestead land to the rate of change in
purchasing power of United States currency as consistently
measured by a reliable index adopted by the Legislature?"

The legal voters of each city, town and plantation shall

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